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Remember: "The Sleep Sense Program" comes with my unconditional, 12-month, no-questions-asked guarantee, so this order is 100% risk-free for you! And don't forget that I'm a real person!
If you need to get in touch for any reason, you can call toll-free in the USA or Canada at (888) 843-6945 or (206) 923-9489.
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What People Are Saying...
Why didn't we try this sooner?! As we speak he is sound asleep in his crib - and has been since 7:15 pm. We are so pleased to get the evenings to ourselves again, and Tinius - who has always been a very happy boy - is even more happy now!
~Karianne Wanggaard
I ordered the sleep sense program and had wonderful results. Tyler slept through the night without any crying by the second night. Thank you for the information, it really helped!!
~Jennifer Brahsear